Welcome to Paolo
Bemporad's website. The aim of these pages is to
bring to the visitor's knowledge the results of the research
conducted by Paolo Bemporad, together with Olga Siracusa, from
the 60s until today. This research had the ultimate objective
of establishing the theoretical foundation of a new
music theory originally called
The artistic and scientific
research carried out by Paolo Bemporad originated from the
study of the auditory perception resulting from the production
of two or more consecutive/overlapping sounds that are
separated by pitch ratios (intervals) different from the
values used in European music since Greek antiquity to the
present day. Overcoming the limitations imposed by
these intervals within the equal temperament, which
takes advantage of the first six harmonics, represents the
starting point of the theory of Metaphonic
The results of this research
is METAPHONY, a real starting point for an ulterior
harmony based on the elimination of dogmas,
preconceptions and the resulting limitations which have
characterized European harmony since ancient
(LAST UPDATE: November 1st,