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Paolo Bemporad’s study at the beginning of his research activity. The picture shows the musical (right-hand side) and electronic (left-hand side) instruments initially employed.
Paolo Bemporad, year 196x
Paolo Bemporad, year 196x
Paolo Bemporad, year 196x
Paolo Bemporad, year 2022




  • Caveat:  a clarification on the meaning for the term "metaphony" in this website
  • Ricerca:  short description of the research conducted by Paolo Bemporad during its more than 40 years of activity
  • Composizioni: a collection of a few example metaphonic compositions, freely downloadables
  • Pubblicazioni: a collection of the more important papers published by the author on Metaphonic Theory
  • Curriculum: short Curriculum Vitae of the author
  • Foto: a few historic pictures