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Presently, there are different meanings of the term "Metaphony", which cover different research areas. Thus, in order to avoid any possible ambiguity, it is important to clarify that with the term "metaphony" we DO NOT MEAN:

In this website we mean by the term "METAPHONY" the theory of harmony conceived and developed by Paolo Bemporad, and introduced for the first time in the assay that he published in 1969 ( Paolo Bemporad, "Prospettive Evolutive nella Musica d'oggi", Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana, ERI Edizioni RAI, III, 4, luglio-agosto 1969, pp. 684-707 ).

In particular, in that publication the author defined specific ensembles of sounds as "METASOUNDS", a neologism expressly introduced in that occasion. The harmony originated by overlapping more metasounds was named "METAPHONIC HARMONY", or (later), METAPHONY.




  • Caveat:  a clarification on the meaning for the term "metaphony" in this website
  • Ricerca:  short description of the research conducted by Paolo Bemporad during its more than 40 years of activity
  • Composizioni: a collection of a few example metaphonic compositions, freely downloadables
  • Pubblicazioni: a collection of the more important papers published by the author on Metaphonic Theory
  • Curriculum: short Curriculum Vitae of the author
  • Foto: a few historic pictures